Current & Completed Projects

A Continuous Work In Progress
Mackinac Associates is committed to preserving and protecting the rich history and natural wonder of the Straits of Mackinac. We take on projects that are long-lasting and will be impactful for many years to come. Below is a sampling of a few of our projects that we’ve completed or have ongoing work in progress.
Biddle House
Step into the home of Agatha and Edward Biddle, merchants who moved in around 1830. This was a time of change, and the 1830s were critical to the Biddles for another reason: as an Anishnaabek woman, Agatha and other indigenous people witnessed their culture subjected to immense changes. The decade transformed the Anishnaabek, linking old ways with Michigan’s modern indigenous culture.
Highlighted Projects:
Funding Exhibits at the Milliken Nature Center at Arch Rock
Funding the "Slavery at the Straits" Exhibit at Colonial Michilimackinac
Purchasing Black Powder for Cannon and Rifle Demonstrations
Funding for a New Forge at the Blacksmith Shop
Vignette publication support: "Where Horse is King: Mackinac Island's Automobile Ban"
Funding for an updated exhibit at the McGulpin House in downtown Mackinac Island
Funding of the renovation of the Biddle House to include the Mackinac Island Native American Museum
Supporting the production of the PBS documentary "Mackinac: Our Famous Island"
Purchase of Portraits of Arent and Rebecca Depeyster
Renovation of the Fort Mackinac Office exhibit (formerly the Post Headquarters)
Funding production of a new orientation video at Colonial Michilimackinac Kings Storehouse
Native American Cultural History Trail
Mackinac Island Peace Garden
Ongoing Award-Winning Archaeology at Fort Michilimackinac
Acquiring Artifacts and Historical Pieces for Our Collection
Reconstruction of Fort Holmes on Mackinac Island

2024 Projects Funded
New exhibit at the Milliken Nature Center on Mackinac Island, Arch Rock: Unsurpassed in Nature’s Beauty
New exhibit in the addition to the Southwest Rowhouse at Colonial Michilimackinac in Mackinaw City: Slavery at the Straits
Replaced worn interpretive panels at Mackinac State Historic Parks sites
New signs at Historic Mill Creek and the Mackinaw City Welcome Center
Canoe repair at Colonial Michilimackinac in Mackinaw City
Park improvements, including a new tent, new flagpoles, and flower baskets
Staffing support for the art studio attendant on Mackinac Island
Prize money for the annual juried art contest at the Richard & Jane Manoogian Mackinac Art Museum on Mackinac Island
Labor and supplies for black powder rifle, musket, and canon firing demonstrations at Fort Mackinac and Colonial Michilimackinac
2023 Projects Funded
Updated exhibit at the McGulpin House
UV filters to installed on windows of all MSHP historic buildings to prevent damage
Collections supplies for IMLS (Institute for Museum and Library Service) archeology project
Knockboxes to allow fire departments access to Mackinac Island and Mackinaw City sites
Water fountains with water bottle re-fillers
Sign upgrades and replacements for Mackinac State Historic Parks
Black powder purchase and reloading for weapons fired at MSHP sites
Forge for new blacksmith shop
Photography for a future art publication
Vignette publication: Where Horse Is King: Mackinac Island’s Motor Vehicle Ban
Funding for the annual juried art contest at the Richard & Jane Manoogian Mackinac Art Museum
Mackinac State Historic Parks education outreach program
2022 Projects Funded
Electrical upgrades for Schoolhouse building in Fort Mackinac
Replaced circuit panel in Hill Quarters
Touchscreens within exhibits at Fort Mackinac and Colonial Michilimackinac
New projector for Fort Mackinac Post Hospital
Colonial Michilimackinac Southwest Rowhouse design plan
Repurposing of a barn building to move blacksmith shop outside fort walls to more historically correct location
Purchasing of supplies for the Blacksmith shop at Colonial Michilimackinac
Updates to the Beaumont Exhibit in the American Fur Company building
Sign upgrades and replacements for Mackinac State Historic Parks
Continuation of the McGulpin House Dendroarchaeology Study
2021 Projects Funded
Kids’ Quarters exhibit renovation at Fort Mackinac, Phase 2
Rehousing of maps and blueprints for Mackinac State Historic Parks
Lamp globes for the posts around Marquette Park
Upkeep and replacement of exterior interpretive signage throughout the Parks
Online education content for the “Explore at Home” program
Development of new education outreach programs
Archaeology field school
Oak chairs for the Keith R. Widder Library at the Petersen Center in Mackinaw City
M-Live online advertisement campaign promoting Mackinac State Historic Parks
Development and implementation of orientation films throughout the Parks
Accessibility scooters for Colonial Michilimackinac and Historic Mill Creek Discovery Park
Round banquet tables for special events
Microfilming of the Mackinac Island Town Crier, Mackinac Island’s newspaper
2020 Projects Funded
Kid’s Quarters exhibit renovation at Fort Mackinac, Phase 1
Production for Heritage of Mackinac and Beaumont Museum films
Sounds of the Forest installation at Historic Mill Creek Discovery Park
Cannon barrel for Fort Mackinac
Energy efficiency upgrades throughout Mackinac Island State Park
Upkeep and replacement of exterior interpretive signage throughout the Parks
MAM AV upgrade for the Gardiner prints and maps collection
Outreach and special event equipment upgrades
Bark roofing at Colonial Michilimackinac southwest rowhouse
Increased marketing for Mackinac State Historic Parks
Publication of the Pratt Photo Album collection
Funding in celebration of the Mackinac State Historic Parks 125th Anniversary
2019 Projects Funded
Development of the Fort Mackinac Post Headquarters Exhibit
Historic Mill Creek Discovery Park Water Power Exhibit
Colonial Michilimackinac Blacksmith Shop Anvil
Bunting for Fort Mackinac
New entry signs for Colonial Michilimackinac
Camera Equipment
Marquette Park corner landscaping sign
Exhibit shop equipment
Colonial Michilimackinac Barracks Exhibit
Event Chairs
Reprint of “Werewolves and Will-O-the-Wisps”
Increased marketing for Mackinac State Historic Parks
Archival cabinets for the Keith R. Widder Library at the Petersen Center in Mackinaw City
Supporting funding for the production of the PBS Documentary: “Mackinac Our Famous Island”