Our History

Friends Preserving and Sharing Mackinac’s Heritage

In the late 1970s several Mackinac Island cottagers met with Eugene Petersen, then Director of Mackinac State Historic Parks, to discuss creating a private organization to help support state park programs and initiatives. In 1980, the Mackinac Island State Park Commission gave its blessing for the creation of a non-profit membership organization. On August 22, 1980, the Commission passed a resolution to recognize and name Mackinac Associates – a group dedicated to sponsoring projects to benefit the needs of the historic sites under their jurisdiction. The group held its first event in 1981 and in 1982 Mackinac Associates received their official 501(c)(3) non-profit designation.

What started as a group of a dozen local residents and friends of the park has grown into a friend’s group that today is made up of more than 2,000 annual and seasonal members. Mackinac Associates’ supporters can be proud that they are part of an organization that funds needed projects in every area of museum operation including interpretive programs, publications, exhibits, natural history education, park improvements and more.

This is a brief overview of our history up until now - our Mackinac Associates Milestones.

August 22, 1980

Mackinac Island State Park Commission supports the concept of the creation of a nonprofit membership organization and passes a resolution to recognize and name Mackinac Associates.

Spring 1981

First issue of Curiosities published to introduce the mission and encourage membership.  The first 200 members were known as the Club 200 commemorating the 200th anniversary of the British garrison’s arrival at Fort Mackinac in 1781.

April 1982

Mackinac Associates receives 501(c)(3) designation.


Mackinac Associates holds first annual meeting.


Mackinac Associates provided funding for Mackinac State Historic Parks to develop and education outreach program to begin in 1988. Mackinac Associates still supports this program which has reached over 250,000 children in classrooms across the state.

June 1989

Inaugural G. Mennen Williams Mackinac Celebration is held.

June 1992

Education Outreach fund established to ensure continued support for Mackinac State Historic Parks education outreach program.


First annual appeal is announced.


Mackinac Associates provides funding to MSHP for Kids’ Quarters area at Fort Mackinac, the largest investment in one project at that time.


Whistler collection acquisition is funded by Mackinac Associates.


Mackinac Associates develops the organizations first strategic plan.


Annual budgeted support for Mackinac State Historic Parks projects exceeds $100,000 for the first time.



Mackinac Island Native American Museum at the Biddle House debuts.


Mackinac Associates celebrates 40 years of supporting Mackinac State Historic Parks.

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